No more support for Internet explorer

Internet Explorer Has Lost All Support

Internet Explorer has lost all support from Microsoft as of June 15, 2022. There is no doubt that Internet Explorer was once the king of the hill when it came to internet web browsers. IE was particularly dominant back in the late 90s and early 2000s, but little by little, it started to fall behind.

What does it mean now that Microsoft has dropped all support? It means that the browser can still be used, but it will not receive any updates or support of any kind. The browser had an amazing run for a long time, but it was eclipsed by other options such as Firefox and Chrome.

What is Microsoft planning to do now that Internet Explorer has lost all support?

While support for IE is not coming back, Microsoft has stated that they will be redirecting users to a new experience. When people open the now outdated Browser, they will be redirected to Microsoft Edge with a specific IE mode enabled.

The idea with this is to make the transition easier for those who are still using IE. For example, when you open the IE icon, it will take you to Microsoft Edge, but the icon will also be removed in the future.

All browser data from IE can be imported to Edge

If someone is still using this browser at this point and has a collection of passwords, favorites, and other configurations, they can still get them on Edge with ease. Microsoft made sure to allow this to be possible with just a couple of clicks.

What to do once you retire IE and stay with Edge

It is important to always consider that using technology that is no longer supported is never a good idea. This makes your system very vulnerable to attacks and that is why it should be avoided.

Outdated technology costs enterprises approximately 47% more when they suffer a data breach. As compared to those with updated tools.

Just consider the fact that at least half of all hacks and data breaches to systems occur via outdated and unsupported apps. The best thing to do with IE is to uninstall it as you make your transition to Edge.

Optimize your workforce knowledge for Edge

One of the biggest concerns in some cases is when a number of employees working for any specific company are not familiar with the use of Edge. When this happens, it is important to consider that this is going to be essential for a successful result.

Make sure that your workforce can become completely familiar with the way that this works. This is going to be the best way for anyone to easily transition into a new interface and features. This not only applies in this case, but also with any changes in software.

Final thoughts about Internet Explorer losing support

Internet Explorer had an amazing run, and it was basically the pioneer browser once the internet became a massive phenomenon in the late 1990s. With that said, it was time for this particular browser to say goodbye and for new software solutions to take its place.

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