
Why Good Management is the Unsung Hero of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity isn’t just about firewalls, antivirus software, and those fancy “AI-powered” tools your IT guy keeps talking about. Sure, those are important, but let’s face it—technology alone can’t fix what bad management breaks. Think about it: You can spend thousands on the latest security solutions, train your employees to spot phishing emails, and even hire a 24/7 monitoring team. But none of that matters if Bob in accounting still thinks every email promising a free cruise is legit. Spoiler alert: It’s not.

The Human Factor: Your Biggest Risk

Here’s the thing—cybersecurity training only works if your employees actually follow it. And while your IT team can deploy all the fancy tools in the world, they can’t manage Bob. That’s where you come in. Managing your team’s behavior is just as critical as managing your tech stack. A well-managed team knows the rules, follows them, and doesn’t need constant babysitting. But a poorly managed team? They’re a ransomware attack waiting to happen. It’s not that they’re bad people—it’s that they’re either disengaged, unmotivated, or just don’t see why they should care.

Two Companies, Two Outcomes

Let’s compare two hypothetical businesses.

Company 1:

  • Employees are motivated, trained, and actually care about the business.
  • Management enforces policies and sets clear expectations.
  • Security tools are minimal, but incidents are rare.

Company 2:

  • Employees are disengaged, ignore training, and assume IT will clean up their messes.
  • Management is MIA when it comes to enforcing policies.
  • Security tools are top-notch, but incidents keep happening.

Which company would you rather run? Exactly.

The Perfect Balance

What small business owners need is a blend of both worlds. Yes, invest in good security tools—they’re your first line of defense. But don’t stop there. Create clear policies, enforce them, and hold your team accountable. Remember: Policies that aren’t enforced are just words on paper, and security tools without good management are like putting a fancy lock on a screen door.

A Quick Story

In my 17 years as an MSP owner, I’ve seen it all. Once, I met with a small business that had ancient technology, zero security software, and not a single incident. Why? Because their employees were professionals who’d been there for decades, knew their jobs, and did them well. Contrast that with businesses where employees open every email attachment like it’s a lottery ticket, and you’ll see why management matters

The Bottom Line

Cybersecurity isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s a team effort that combines the right tools with the right management. So, the next time your IT team recommends a new security solution, don’t just write the check and call it a day. Take a look at your management practices, too.Because at the end of the day, the best firewall in the world won’t save you if Bob keeps clicking on cat video links.

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Brian Largent

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